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about me ENG

This is me.

And this is where my story starts. The story of "I am free (from)" - that's the translation of the title of this blog in Spanish, "Yo soy sin".

It was my first birthday, at least the first one I remember.
But it was not actually MY birthday, it was someone else's. Someone in the neighbourhood.

My mom must have thought it was a good idea to immortalise the moment with a snapshot.
By then, 2 months short of my second birthday, I already knew that those doughnuts were saying "eat me". But it wasn’t me they were talking to.

"I can’t". That's the sentence I repeated constantly throughout my childhood and youth, at birthdays, trips, summer camps, weddings and any other kind of celebration.

That sentence was the forerunner to "I am free (from)".
I was diagnosed with coeliac disease when I was only a few months old, and I've been "I am free from gluten" all my life.

However, about a year ago, that sentence stopped being enough. Due to some health issues, and after going from doctor to doctor, I finally discovered that I needed to drastically change my eating habits.
A long list of allergens would be added to the list of things I had to avoid: wheat, oats, corn, rice, eggs, dairy, sugar, almonds, and bananas, not to mention several other delicacies. They were banned, or near enough, from my shopping list.

Maybe "I am free from gluten" also applies to you.
Or maybe you are also "I am free (from)", just like that, just like me. With such a long list of intolerances that you prefer to just say "I am free (from)", rather than "I am free from gluten, eggs, dairy…"

If that's the case, you probably know by now that it’s almost impossible to buy flour, bread, pasta, biscuits, cookies, muffins, and a long, long etcetera.

Though I've always loved cooking, since this diagnosis I've also started to enjoy and explore breadmaking and baking. Mainly so that I can have a proper breakfast every day, rather than just an apple.

It's very healthy to start the day with an apple, I won't deny that, but once, twice… and that's healthy enough without taking it any further!

At this turning point in my life, and it was a turning point because food has always been very important to me (something I probably inherited from my grandfather Rafael, who was considered a gourmet by everyone), I met my free-from friend Marisa Famalap through her blog easy gluten free cooking which I came across while searching the web for recipes for a decent breakfast.
Thanks to Marisa, I joined her Facebook group for gluten free I&D bread lovers, and that was the moment of no return.

I couldn't stop learning, discovering, researching, experimenting, sharing… and most of all, meeting a lot of new free-from friends.

If you're in the same situation as me and you're looking for free-from recipes, or if you just enjoy cooking and trying out everyday recipes, whether Spanish or international ones from countries such as Thailand, India, Japan, China and many others, THIS IS THE BLOG FOR YOU.

You'll find easy recipes here, all of them gluten free, with pictures, step-by-step guides, videos and all made with love and enthusiasm.

There’s a Google Translate widget at the top of each page, so that you can read the blog easily in your own language – though I've translated this "about me" section myself, as I didn't like the automated translation at all.

You'll also find icons indicating allergens at the beginning of each recipe. The icons are clickable and will take you to all the recipes in the blog that are free from that particular allergen. You can also do this using the tags in the right-hand side menu.

In the ingredients section, there’s a clickable shopping cart that will take you to a list of links to online shops, ingredients, products and kitchen gadgets. This will be a live list that will grow as I include my own additions and yours, so I look forward to your feedback and comments.

So welcome to my little community, it's fascinating, and I think you'll be hooked!

Let's start cooking!

(thanx a lot to my free-from friend Michelle, who edited this translation for me, making it sound a lot more natural!)

You can see my new recipes by subscribing to the blog (you can click on "subscribe" at the top left-hand side of the screen); you will need to prove you're not a robot if you want to test my recipes. 😊

It's very simple, when you click on SUBSCRIBE, you'll need to follow these steps:

I'm sorry about all this fuss, but I can't remove it.

You can also follow me on social media,

If you comment in Spanish, English, French or Italian, I’ll reply in your own language.


turrón de chocolate suchard YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
MIX para MUG CAKE de chocolate YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Pan de pita YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
turrón de trufa YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Falafel YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
MIX panificable YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Bircher Müesli de quinoa YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Magdalenas YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Granola con trigo sarraceno YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Bollitos de batata YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Té indio con leche dorada YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Magdalenas doble chocolate YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Baguettes con masa madre YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Torta de aceite YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Pasta fresca YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Brownie de calabacín YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta
Receta YoSoySin. Pincha la foto para ir a la receta